Tryouts & Player Placements
Tryouts & Player Placements
Chesapeake United Tryouts are FREE.
Simply create an account online, register for tryouts/placements, and attend tryouts/placements on your respective days. Players will be notified of team assignments once tryouts for their specific program have concluded. More information outlined below.
Tryout/Player Placement Links:
Register For Tryouts/Player Placements
CUSC Competitive Program Home Page
CUSC Advanced Program Home Page
2019-2020 Competitive Coaching Slate
About Chesapeake United Tryouts/Placements:
Every year toward the end of the spring season, tryouts are held for the following soccer year which will begin over the summer for Competitive teams and the fall for Advanced teams. The goal of the tryout process is to evaluate each individual player and place them on the appropriate team which will best develop them as a soccer player and person. It is important to the staff at Chesapeake United to ensure that we place all players in the best place for them, and we will work diligently to do so. All players will be evaluated during tryouts and then notified of their team assignments at the conclusion of all tryouts and staff meetings.
Chesapeake United Competitive Tryouts/Player Placements are for ALL players interested in playing for the 2019-2020 season, including those currently assigned to a Competitive Team. Advanced Player Placements will take place in early to mid June (TBD) and are for ALL players interested in playing, including those currently assigned to an Advanced Team.
Tryout/Placement Process:
Competitive: Tryouts [MAY 2019] – Players of all ages and ability levels are encouraged to attend tryouts. During tryouts, all players will be given a number and will be evaluated by professional staff for placement on a team best suited to the individual based on age and ability – considering all aspects of the player technically, tactically, mentally, physically, and socially. At the conclusion of each age group’s tryouts and coaches meetings, players will either be assigned to a Competitive team or recommended to attend Advanced Player Placements. If a player is not assigned to a Competitive Team and is recommended for the Advanced Program, it is because the staff believes that this program will be a better fit for them based on their individual ability level. Players who are invited to join Competitive Teams will receive invitations via email – these invitations will need to be accepted within 48 hours. Once the team has been formed, players will receive introductory phone calls from their team coach. The coach will then schedule a team meeting within 30 days of the team being formed at which point player/parent expectations, coaching philosophy, summer training, fall training, and fall game schedules/tournaments will be discussed.
Advanced: Player Placements [JUNE 2019] – This is not a “tryout” format, though players will be evaluated similarly to the Competitive players. All players will be offered a place on an Advanced team as long as there is an appropriate team for them based on age, ability, and mentality. Player placements for the Advanced Program will be held in June. If you are interested in checking out the Competitive Program, please feel free to do so during tryout time. Players can always return to Advanced Player Placements in June after attending Competitive Tryouts in May. Once the team has been formed, a team meeting will take place over the summer for players and parents to meet the coach and begin to plan for the start of practices and games in the fall.
Note: Parents should only register once. If players are registered for the Competitive Program but need to be moved to the Advanced Program, the Club Administrator will move the player’s registration.
For more information or questions regarding tryouts, contact Kristin Carden at
For administrative questions and assistance with registration, contact Nan Beck at
Register For Tryouts/Player Placements
Tryout/Player Placement Calendar:
Register For Tryouts/Player Placements
Primary: Centerville Park, 1857 Centerville Turnpike S. (pictured below) *Tryout Location*
Secondary: Butts Road Primary School (1000 Mt. Pleasant Rd.) & Hugo Owens Middle School (1997 Horseback Run)
Competitive Program:

Fee Inclusions:
- 8 Weeks of League Play Per Season (16 Total for Soccer Year) – Virginia Soccer League
- Two Tournaments
- Licensed Professional Coaching Salaries
- 6-8 Weeks of Supplemental Technical Training – Fall 2019
- 6-8 Weeks of Supplemental Technical Training – Spring 2020
- 6-8 week Winter Training Program – January/February/Early March 2020
- 2 Team Training Sessions Per Week in Fall & Spring Seasons
- Goalkeeper Specific Training
- Lighted fields at Centerville Park
- College Research & Preparation Program
- Off-field Player Education Meetings
- Technical Director/Club Administrator Program Management
- Misc. Program Operational Expenses
Fee Exclusions:
- Uniforms
- Additional Tournaments (Selected by Individual Teams)
- Personal Travel Expenses
Note: Fees cover entire soccer year (July 1 – May 31).
League Play: Virginia Soccer League
Competitive teams compete at an elite level in league play and tournaments. With hundreds of teams amongst many divisions, the Virginia Soccer League offers the opportunity to place teams individually based on the competitiveness of the each team in order to promote a game schedule that will offer challenge and success which ultimately promotes growth. Each year, the Technical Director’s meet to establish divisions for all clubs based on geographical location, previous records, and ability level of individual teams. This league is referred to as “local travel” as 90% of games are within 30 minutes of each club’s home facility. Virginia Soccer League games are played on Sundays with kick off times usually ranging from 11:00am to 4:00pm.
Register For Tryouts/Player Placements
Advanced/”Recreation Plus” Program:
[Player Placement Schedule Listed Above]
Fee Inclusions:
- 1 to 2 team practices per week
- TASL developmental/recreational league play (approx. 8 weeks per season)
- Access to training facilities and equipment
Fee Exclusions:
- Uniforms
- Tournaments (Optional)
Advanced Fee Structure:
League Play: Tidewater Advanced Soccer League
Advanced teams participate in the TASL league which is a developmental league geared toward players at the recreational level. TASL is a volunteer organization which seeks to provide access to the game of soccer for players who are looking to play for fun and development with no focus on competition. All games are played locally on Saturdays.